Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Part Four- Isn't antiquing for retired people?

Whenever I travel I make it a point to go to flea markets and antique stores in search of old books. My collection began with a found book that belonged to my great grandmother (a school teacher). It is a beautiful copy of Dante's Paradise Lost. On our honeymoon I found a lovely copy of The Faerie Queen in Savannah, GA, a trip to Wilmington where we decided to start our family yielded copies of Vanity Fair and a leather-bound pocket copy of the poetry of Robert Burns. Even though I now own an electronic reader and carry around over 200 books at my fingertips, I hate the idea that actual paper books might become extinct. I love the feel and smell of books and I like the idea of how older books may have travelled. Of course, I do encounter some characters on the excursions and bless my husband for going with me!

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